Monday, January 3, 2011

3/365 - My Goals for 2011

I wanted one goal for this year. To drink less soda and more water.
And then, the list grew. It's day 3, and I went from 1 to 18 goals. That puts things into perspective.

But the goals aren't unreachable. And that makes me happy. To know that I can reach these goals... and do things well.

So here's a sneak peek at my list. I'm sure as times go on, I'll be sure to add more. So thankful for this life. so thankful for a chance to even work towards these goals.

I think about people who give up. Who never set goals. Who never desire to be more than what they think the world expects of them. Or what is easy to do. I'm so not that person.

Great things are to come in 2011.

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