Tuesday, January 4, 2011

4/365 - My sweet little girl

I can remember vividly how I loved every bit of being pregnant with my first daughter. Even though I was throwing up, or tired ALL.THE.TIME. I was thrilled. Happy.  With Ava, it was different. Different time of year. I was pregnant through the summer with Ava. and I was MISERABLE. I guess the novelty had worn off by this point. I know I kept saying, alright, I’m over the “being pregnant part”, I’m just ready for the end product. 

We don’t find out what we’re having when I’m pregnant. (BTW, that bothers me too… WE were not pregnant… I WAS PREGNANT) Why do people say ‘WE’… The women carry them. Haha. 

Anyway. We didn’t know what Ava was going to be. But seeing as though I barely gained weight (yeah, hate me now), I got a couple extra ultrasounds. Ava was healthy, and apparently, she wanted us to know what she was, because she revealed herself to me, not once, but TWICE. She wanted us to know she was a girl. So we did. 

They say that your demeanor when you’re pregnant will determine the child’s demeanor. Not so, Ava is proof. I was miserable, uncomfortable, cranky. She is the happiest little baby. She rarely cries, unless she’s hungry or wants a diaper change. She smiles at everyone.  She’s my girl… and I love her dearly.
She cries louder than Gabriela did. But, she’s soooo darn cute, I can’t hold it against her. Not to mention she doesn’t cry often, and ya know, can’t TELL me what is bothering her.   

So, enjoy my baby girl. Her chubby cheeks, kissable lips, adorable little hands and WILD hair. I know I do.

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