Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Princess Gabriela...ela. ela. aye. aye aye (Ya know, like Under my Umbrella) ha.

We sing that song together... and I change the words to  "My Princess Gabriela...ela. ela. aye. aye aye" ... So when she gets in my car, she asks for the "Princess Gabriela" song.

And today she's three. I CANNOT BELIEVE SHE'S THREE.

Gabi was born 5lbs 14oz. And even now, she's a little petite. Her big eyes are what everyone first commented about... but now all everyone says is "She looks JUST like her mama". Or my favorite is when my mother in law calls her "Little Kendra".

 She loves her aunts and uncles... and her grammy & pappy too, and lets not forget her numerous cousins. They all spoil her and fight over her. She acts shy, but once she opens up, she is hilarious and doesn't hold back.

It seems like there was such a change from 2 to 3. She got taller, lost her baby fat cheeks. Talks better, has a character, says the most amazingly funny things. She loves her little sister, and she loves her big sister.

Every day, she'll say "I love you mama, you're the best mama in the world". And likewise for Daddy.
I love it. I love her. For such a long time after she was born Ken and I would go through these realizations where we'd be like "Wow, she's really ours. We made her."

Right now... she loves to dance and sing. She loves Victorious,Big Time Rush, and Sponge Bob. Oh, and Princesses of course.

For Christmas, she got a Princess bed and a Princess room. And a guy I work with, Mr. Burger, just bought us FRONT ROW tickets to see Disney on Ice Princess Wishes. She's going to go insane. And of course her dollhouse from her Aunt Deb (my mom's best friend). We got her a bike. LOL. It seems so lame next to her awesome dollhouse and Disney Ice tickets. But... She's loved. And that is all a kid needs really. People who love and care for her. And they are a plenty.

We started talking about preschool... and I nearly cried. I can't imagine how emotional the rest of her life will be. But if she's half as crazy as she is now.... Lord knows there won't be a dull moment. And I thank God EVERY day for her.

Ok... so here's one of her videos:

And then.... she poses

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