Saturday, January 15, 2011

14/365... [Kill] Screen...

It's funny how you become so comfortable around people, and then things change and you don't see them as often. I used to follow this band called 'fith' for a couple of years, from when I was about 23, until I had my first daughter. (then they split up).
I loved these guys. I mean that I loved going and seeing them perform and play at so many different venues. For the most part, the people remained the same... Sexy Andy Brightbill (bass guitarist), Adam Snyder (lead vocals and funny man), and the impressive drummer, Brandon Snyder.  My husband and I (and my brother & sister in law) spent TONS of nights and insane amount of money going to see them, drink and just have a good time. They were a constant in our lives then.

But, they took a hiatus, and I nearly cried.

Last night was their first time back, but under a new name [Kill]Screen. I have to admit, being a fith fan to the core. (I dubbed myself the "official fith paparazzi" because I'm sure they got sick of me taking all those pics of them) I have like 6 'fith' shirts and a sweatshirt.

So to call them [Kill]Screen, seems absolutely wrong. As Lisa said "they are like teddy bears... kill screen doesn't fit them". lol.

I was worried that it wouldn't be as much fun. But as the music started, and Adam starting singing... I got super happy. These guys are very talented, and they really put on a great show. I've missed them.

Here's some photos from last night.

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