Thursday, January 13, 2011

12/365 ... Baby it's cold outside.

Wow... like 24 degrees cold. So, in prep for this "big" storm that was coming, Ken's friend talked him into getting some wood so we'll be prepared. Well, kinda. It still had to be cut and split.

When Ken was younger he decided that he would never have a wood stove because he hated bringing wood in from the cold.

When we started talking about houses, he refused a wood stove.

But when we started getting oil bills for 5,000 or more in our nice big new to us house... we decided we couldn't make it paying for oil. It was going to be the death of us.

We got a wood furnace. An outdoor wood furnace. So it's not about hauling in the wood... you stand out in the cold and load up the tractor or wheelbarrow or whatever... and that's how we get heat and how water.

So yeah, he ended up heating his house with good old fashioned split wood. HA. And here is a picture of our first truck load. WOAH. That's a lot of work. And in a couple months, we'll get another, because we'll have to start stacking and prepping for next year's winter.

Life is good... and this nice big house is nice and warm. I'm thankful for that.

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