Saturday, December 17, 2011

Miss K turns One.

I've done a couple session for this family, and I can say that their children are ALWAYS happy.

Today was Miss K's first birthday celebration, and you could tell how absolutely adored she is... not just by mom, dad and big brother, but by her extended family. Proud aunts and uncles, and especially proud grandparents.
I stopped by first in the morning to grab some shots of the Birthday Girl, pre-birthday chaos. And here is a little bit of our morning photo shoot. More of her birthday party to come later.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Amber is a Senior.

I remember where I was when I heard that she was born. I was sitting in Tularosa, New Mexico. My mom and her friend were opening up a clothing store, and we were painting it. I was 14 years old, and I was an aunt for the... second time. (first being at the age of 8)/

Amber and I have tons of fun together. Despite the 14 yr age difference. And I respect the person she has become. She's always there when I need someone to watch my girls, and I trust her.
So she spent the week here to help with the girls and in between all the chaos... we did some pictures.

On the last set of pictures today, I got a little emotional, because I cannot believe that she's going to be graduating high school next year.  I cannot believe she'll be off to college this time next year. :(
I cannot even imagine how my sister will deal after Amber is gone to college. But, for now, lets all dote on how gorgeous this kid is. Of course she is, she's related to me. :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baby X

I have known her since I was in elementary school. I was in her wedding. I photographed her while she was pregnant (we were pregnant together). And now, I got to photograph her handsome little boy... who may very well be my son in law if we have much to do with it.

Here he is. This gorgeous little ball of love. He'll be breaking hearts some day!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Baby Avery is on her way

I've known Angelica since... I don't, I was 15 or younger.

She's having a little girl, and my baby and her's will be in school together.
It took us a while to get this done, because she broke her hand (she took the temporary cast off), and we didn't think we'd get the session in before Avery came along, but it worked out.
She was a great sport! And I have to admit, I love them. So much.

Personalized Diaper Cover Session.

If you're like me, I L.O.V.E. personalized things.So, I decided that I wanted to offer something for my clients to personalized their child's session.

A personalized diaper cover. A stretched canvas print or framed print, and 3 5x7's for $200. You may also have different outfits as part of the session.

I took my daughter out quickly the other night and got a couple shots of her in her diaper cover.



Sunday, May 22, 2011


As we walked around the park talking and joking, I realized how much I miss Arcelia.
But, today was pretty great, if only for an hour!
I have never met her sibling before. To tell you the truth, all I could think before the session was "i hope they're not all as short as Arcelia, that could be hard for posing". ha!

And to tell you the truth, I've never photographed adult siblings. So this was all new to me. But I think they turned out well, and I had so much fun!! Thanks Kristen, Greg & Arcelia for the great morning!

Monday, May 9, 2011

My Beautiful Friend and her adorable daughter... for a Mother's Day session

There's this thing about Candice... She was scared that she wouldn't be a good mom. WOW did she have it all wrong.
My friend... is sort of amazing, to say the least. She would give anything for her daughter.
So, the other thing about Candice, she lets me shoot her the way I want to shoot her. And that makes me happy. Because I'm allowed to try things with her, that others get skeptical about. And personally, I love how these turned out.
Here is one of my BFF's and her absolutely adorable daughter. (oh yeah... make sure you look at the last photo.)

From Collages

From Collages

From Collages

From Collages

Candice is a goof and that's one of the reason's I love her so. She's kinda ditzy... and when she realizes she did something ditzy, she giggles this hilarious little giggle, and I love it. Here's what she did... and then silly me drove off.

From Candice & Amelia 5-11

Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's all about the details.

I look forward to Miss Nadia's party every year. Obviously because I love photographing anything, but mostly because I cannot wait to see what her mom and dad pulled off this year.

I pulled up and saw a gigantic purple bounce house and thought... how awesome. And might I add, the kids did not want to leave this thing alone.

Of course I walk in, and there are little details every where. A banner with her name, high heel shaped cookies, purple glittery star sunglasses, a purple balloon archway, purple ribbons hanging from the chandeliers, purple star cookies in the dining room, and purple streamer and dinnerware. And the guests were asked to dress in purple. (I of course did not catch this detail, however, I'm behind the camera, so it doesn't matter much).

Every year, it's amazing. And every year it shows how much she is loved.

Here's a peek at the events.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My adorable new niece. Marley

Marley was none too happy about getting her pictures done. :( Apparently night time is NOT a good night to do pictures of her.
There are quite a few more.But here is just the beginning.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Boys will be boys...

Sometimes, kids can be a challenge to photograph. My style is to chase them around, maybe try to get them to pose here and there, and just play with them.

I thought it might be difficult to get Matthew to warm up to me at first, so I brought out the bike. What little boy can withstand a bike? He instantly climbed on, and I started snapping.
I had SOOO much fun with Matthew (and his parents). My favorite part was when I said "you're such a cutie" and he said "Nooooo".

Here's a slideshow.