Saturday, July 9, 2011

Amber is a Senior.

I remember where I was when I heard that she was born. I was sitting in Tularosa, New Mexico. My mom and her friend were opening up a clothing store, and we were painting it. I was 14 years old, and I was an aunt for the... second time. (first being at the age of 8)/

Amber and I have tons of fun together. Despite the 14 yr age difference. And I respect the person she has become. She's always there when I need someone to watch my girls, and I trust her.
So she spent the week here to help with the girls and in between all the chaos... we did some pictures.

On the last set of pictures today, I got a little emotional, because I cannot believe that she's going to be graduating high school next year.  I cannot believe she'll be off to college this time next year. :(
I cannot even imagine how my sister will deal after Amber is gone to college. But, for now, lets all dote on how gorgeous this kid is. Of course she is, she's related to me. :)

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