Sunday, June 6, 2010

Erika's Having a BABY!!!

Not right this second or anything, but soon. 6 weeks or so.

Let me tell you a little about Erika. I have known her since probably 1st grade or kindergarten. In 4th grade, we wore the SAME sweater, on the same day. It helped us bond. I can still see that sweater in my head. Clear as day. Black knee length with fluorescent colors all over. Ya know, true to the 80's.

In 5th grade, we were in reading together in Mr. Harman's (Prior knowledge) class.
We were best friends through middle school and high school. The inseparable type. Her, another girl and I. But after high school we drifted. 5 year reunion, we saw each other again... and here we are 6 years later and we're closer than ever. I was honored to be a bridesmaid in her wedding last year, and now, she's having her first child.

To say that's where our connections have gone is an understatement. We have inside jokes leading way back. We've been there for each other for the loss of parents... she was with me every Thursday night when I was pregnant with Gabi (she came to watch Grey's with me).

Ok Ok... and now, we're having babies 2 months apart. Erika followed my lead and did what I asked her to without complaining. Wore what I wanted her to without questioning me.

I personally think she looks amazing... what do you think?

From Erika - Maternity

From Erika - Maternity

From Erika - Maternity

From Erika - Maternity

From Erika - Maternity

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