Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Baby Times TWO!!

Lieucretia and I met in Photography class of all places. We hit it off immediately. Unfortunately we live very far apart, so we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like. But I was SOOO thrilled for her when she called and said she was pregnant.

And then on the way to the beach for my best friends bachelorette weekend away, I got a text saying it was twins. WOW.

They do NOT know the sex of the babies, which I'm an advocate for. But I can't wait to meet these two.
How awesome.

Now for the shoot. I had a BLAST. David shockingly was willing and didn't complain about anything. Seems to me he loves his wife, as well he should because she's spectacular, and she'd be sure to tell you. ha.

Here are a couple collages of her shoot. GORGEOUS!!!!


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