Friday, October 16, 2009

Update on my happenings.

First and foremost, I have a new website underway, and I am SOOOO excited about it.
I cannot wait to share with everyone all the hard work I put into this page.

The studio is not done yet, but it's getting to be the time of year where all the shoots are heading inside. So, time to get cracking with that.

I have this nifty little meal planner, which also has my cleaning schedule on it. Somehow I will need to get all of that done, and then get the girls to bed, then find time to work on the studio. I desperately want it done.

So, with the fall season approaching quickly, I'm scheduling more shoots. (well, seems that since we got sleet last night, and snow is supposed to be coming this weekend, we're skipping right over fall and heading into winter).

I've been contacted by so many people for sessions and I'm amazingly excited about them. Just trying to work out some details.

Just wanted to let everyone know that things have been looking up, and while I'm suffering some difficult situations (i will explain in the next paragraph), I'm feeling truly blessed.

The difficult things I've ran into in the last 6 months have been crazy to me. My husband is laid off and has become a full time student after being out of school (which he disliked then) for 12 years.

- Lightning struck our house causing my motherboard in my new computer to go (thankful for warranties), and some other electronic things to malfunction.
- I've broken two mounted flash units. Or at least Gabi broke one, and Ken another.
- My laptop's hard drive crashed, which was the only computer with Photoshop on it. (expensive). And it's not worth fixing.
- My external hard drive crashed. Which was fine at first because I knew it was coming and I started backing everything up... until the other night I realized that I left out one file on the transfer, my Gabriela file. :( Her birth and most of her first year were in that file. I'm now dropping it off at my brothers to see if he can recover it. IDK what I'll do if he can't. (*I all but puked when I realized it was gone. My heart was broken*)
- hmmmm... what else.

I've been given the 'opportunity' to be kinship foster parents for my 2 nieces. So going from 1 kid to 3 has been a challenge, but I have been blessed by God with wonderful people who have helped me along the way.

In all, I find that you can't sit back and be angry. You accept it and move on. There are days that life gets a bit hard, and you feel like giving up, and just curling up and crying. I'm not that kind of person (at least not in a permanent state). I move on.

Each day God shows me what I have to feel blessed for.

In the next couple months, I will be busy, but I will do my best to follow through with blogging and keeping everyone informed with the happenings of Family Tree Photography. Keep reading.

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